Sunday, September 26, 2010


Lastly, my cousin's cat. so funny. named "Dabao"
Mexican Food?
This is like, a BBQ place. You drink beer and eat kabobs.
Night markets, very common in China.
So I was in France, Rome, Italy all in the one day?
Window of the World. Fake famous places micro-scaled.
good lookin building.
This is the entrance to Foxconn. See what I mean? You can't go in.
me and my niece, cute.
Japan vs China. Both cheaters.
This game lol. It's women only. Basically whoever can hold one liter of beer the longest with their arms straight wins.
Shenzhen has a nick name, "fake" capital of the world. Even fake lady gaga. She was singing bad romance.
I'm on a boat, I'm on a boat, take a good hard look at the mother fuking boat.

Shekou Shenzhen, an area with lotta bars and KTV
Mah boat.
View from my cousin's flat. mmm


Over the weekend, I traveled to southern China, mainly Shenzhen and Guangzhou. Shenzhen was pretty tight but lacked cultural stuff. The reason being Shenzhen was originally a fishing village. Over the past 30 years, like many other places in China, it experienced rapid urbanization and development. Luckily, my cousin lived right next to the forbidden factory of apple in China - Foxconn. I tried very hard to get close to it, the best I could do is to snap a photo of the entrance. Oh also, there was an oktorber fest in Shenzhen?? On a boat? I won a T-shirt from one of the chugging games, fk yea.

Guangzhou was a nice relaxing place. In terms of sightseeing I didn't do much. Cuz there was not really that much to see in Guangzhou. I got to see a bit of the old village which is now populated with shopping malls...I was on a boat in the Zhu Jiang River experiencing both sides of the City. Later that night, I experienced clubbing in China first Hand. Clubs in China work differently, in order to go into a club, you have to book a table and order a bottle first. Once inside, you don't really dance, most ppl just place this dice game that is similar to bullshit. I still have no idea how to play. My last day I went to the New Canton TV tower. Which is the highest TV tower in the world. Sick view and all but the smog...sigh.

My entire trip cost me little less than 200 USD. This is because I figured out how to spend money like a real chinese person. The number one mistake foreigners make in China is converting their money. Yes, sure when you divide your USDz by 7, everything seems like 7 times cheaper. In another perspective, you are paying 7 times more than what an average chinese person would pay. Here is a tip on how you should think about money while in China. Say you want to buy an T-shirt. Think about how much a T-shirt would cost you in US (say 15USD), switch the US to Yen (now 15 Yen) then take another third/half off, that is how much you should pay for the T-shirt.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Happy 6 Month Baby

All I ever wanted is ... you

Monday, September 13, 2010

just some picz.

This is really amazing.

Trust me, this is not good for the fish.
金鱼街 (Gold Fish Street) a street with tons of aquatics shops
Waking up to this view every day.

So yea Chinchilla.

It really bothers me sometimes the way Asian ppl treat animals. How do you like it if I put you in a cage with no food and water? Sleep well, sorry for flashing.
It's just too hot and humid in HK, I don't even know how she manages...So I got a nice bowl of fresh ice cubes. Improves the teeth and cools.

So one day I was drinking in the dorms and playing Mah Jong, walking around and I discovered a chinchilla. She was in very bad condition, there was no food or water in the cage, no hay, no wood...there was only rust on the wires. After talking to the locals, I understood that she belonged to someone who used to live on this floor but for whatever reason couldn't take take her. So she's just kind of left alone. As you all know animals love dj smoke and dj smoke loves them too. So I guess I'm gonna take care of it for now. Poor little thing. she doesn't even have a name.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

just another day.

Kennedy Town.
If God is a man, then I can see his image in you brother Daniel. Thank you so much for everything.
I ordered the california roll, it wasn't that good.

scared of heights?
Going to the westwood.
The more you open the more you happy, slogan for Party Beer.
Initial D
shopping mall mongkok

Friday, September 10, 2010

I'm feeling incredibly home sick...mostly because I miss you so much Caroline. Really wish I can be with you...

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Hong Kong Styled Hair Cut

Temple Market, practice my bargaining for when I go to China.
messed around with camera abit
lightshow was alright.
Ave of Stars revisited, really need a better camera.
Here we go, fob haircut.