Lastly, my cousin's cat. so funny. named "Dabao"
Mexican Food?
This is like, a BBQ place. You drink beer and eat kabobs.
Night markets, very common in China.
So I was in France, Rome, Italy all in the one day?
Window of the World. Fake famous places micro-scaled.
good lookin building.
This is the entrance to Foxconn. See what I mean? You can't go in.
me and my niece, cute.
Japan vs China. Both cheaters.
This game lol. It's women only. Basically whoever can hold one liter of beer the longest with their arms straight wins.
Shenzhen has a nick name, "fake" capital of the world. Even fake lady gaga. She was singing bad romance.
I'm on a boat, I'm on a boat, take a good hard look at the mother fuking boat.
Shekou Shenzhen, an area with lotta bars and KTV
Mah boat.
View from my cousin's flat. mmm