Guangzhou was a nice relaxing place. In terms of sightseeing I didn't do much. Cuz there was not really that much to see in Guangzhou. I got to see a bit of the old village which is now populated with shopping malls...I was on a boat in the Zhu Jiang River experiencing both sides of the City. Later that night, I experienced clubbing in China first Hand. Clubs in China work differently, in order to go into a club, you have to book a table and order a bottle first. Once inside, you don't really dance, most ppl just place this dice game that is similar to bullshit. I still have no idea how to play. My last day I went to the New Canton TV tower. Which is the highest TV tower in the world. Sick view and all but the smog...sigh.
My entire trip cost me little less than 200 USD. This is because I figured out how to spend money like a real chinese person. The number one mistake foreigners make in China is converting their money. Yes, sure when you divide your USDz by 7, everything seems like 7 times cheaper. In another perspective, you are paying 7 times more than what an average chinese person would pay. Here is a tip on how you should think about money while in China. Say you want to buy an T-shirt. Think about how much a T-shirt would cost you in US (say 15USD), switch the US to Yen (now 15 Yen) then take another third/half off, that is how much you should pay for the T-shirt.
hahahhaa good spending tip